LHK Trading PLC


Meet Our Teams

Mastewal Seyoum

General Manager

“Focus on the solution, not the problem”

Kidan Terefe

Deputy Manager

“Hard work beats talent if talent doesn't work hard”

Tsion Befekadu

Marketing Manager

“Good marketing makes the company look smart”


Abyat Dejene

Business Advisor

“Bringing the world together”


Alebachew Tiruneh

Project Coordinator

“Agriculture is universal language”

Tadele Damena

Project Manager (Afar)

“Plan the work, Work the plan”

Henok Getu

Project Manager (Benishangul)

“A goal without a plan is just a wish”

Nardos Fetene

Finance Manager

“You never fail until you stop trying”

Kalkidan Fekadu

Graphic Designer & Secretary

“Never dream for success, work for it”